Challenges - Running out of Time

 Hi all,

Our Eco-Fashion adventure is due this FRIDAY! So with the nerves and all we are very stressed especially because we have half the dress to go and lots of current obstacles like how we are going to piece it all together.

We also have lots of problems such as still not having enough white fabric for the dress. Luckily for us we have had access to a mannequin which has helped with the designing. We have established a fabulous skirt and are planning currently on adding a button (or more!) Unfortunately, our sowing machine hasn't been working and that has been a slight problem.

Some of the things that are going really well is that all the skirt layers are still looking fabulous and there have been zero rips and tears. The skirt has been fitting the model, but we are planning to add the button to make sure it fits the model even better.
