Hello World!

Hello Amazing Planet, for School, some of my friends and I are going on a journey to create a piece of sustainable/reusable piece of fashion for a project. Our project is called Eco-Fashion. We are learning about sustainability and materials effects on our planet. We are creating evening wear so something like a ball gowns would be our end result. All the things we use will be objects we already have so we are saving money and the environment by repurposing clothes. We have many different ideas that we hope you will keep on coming back to see. We will keep you updated on our journey by writing to you all on this blog and can't wait to be able to show you the final result when we are done. This may even inspire you to try something similar in your free time to help save our wonderful planet and lower the effects of the fashion industry by recycling, reusing and repurposing clothes or fabrics that would otherwise else be wasted.


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